Tracer tests
Groundwater and surface water tracer tests involve injecting a substance into the water (a tracer) and tracking it in time and space. This is a specialty that is particularly underdeveloped by most consultants, and Hydro-Ressources makes it a priority.
Relevance of tracing tests
Tracer tests provide information of unparalleled quality. They notably help define the connections between different locations on a territory, the groundwater flow velocity, and the dispersive properties of a geological medium.
The main advantage of tracer tests is that the result minimizes assumptions. Indeed, a tracer test converging towards a groundwater collection well provides irrefutable confirmation of the connection between the injection point and the collection well.
Profile Tracing Test (PTT)
Patented methodology
A profile tracing test is a method recently adapted by our firm. The concept is straightforward: it involves mixing a tracer as uniformly as possible in a single open borehole (e.g., a diamond drill hole for exploration). Once the tracer is blended into the hole, the concentration is measured at various time intervals within the same vertical borehole. Concentration profiles are then created, and the variations in concentration indicate the location of the naturally active flow zone. In fact, when concentrations decrease, it indicates that a flow is present.
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